That Girl from That Team


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tai Chi

Yes, it has arrived!  This is going to benefit me in every way.  I genuinely believe both yoga and tai chi can do incredible things for everybody, no matter what your age or fitness level is.

Watch this for more information about what this program can do for you!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"I know the sun must set to rise"

This song touches home for me and I hope it reaches out to some of you, too.

When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach so
She ran away in her sleep
And dreamed of
Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes

When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
And the bullets catch in her teeth
Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly
Every tear a waterfall
In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
In the night the stormy night away she'd fly

And dreams of

And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She'd say, "oh, ohohoh I know the sun must set to rise"

This could be


Well this is it, my paradise is coming to life slowly but surely.  All I had to do was stick through the storm and I did just that.  I've survived so many falls and here I am still standing tall.  The sun is definitely rising and so many great things are happening for me.  It just goes to show what perseverance can do for you.

Sometimes you just need to believe that everything will be okay and that things happen for a reason.  Without my scars I wouldn't remember all that I came from.  A lotus blooming from a swamp.  There is hope for change.  There is hope for better.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"How Do You Do It?"

"How do you do it, Steph?  How do you wake up so early?  How do you work out everyday?  How do you stick to your clean diet?  How do you find the time to work all of your jobs and still help others?  How are you smiling all the time?   How do you hold you head up high after all of that?  How do you do everything that you do?  Tell me the secret, Steph.  How do you do it?"

Sometimes I ask myself the same questions you all ask me and to be honest, I don't always know.  What I do know is that the power, the strength, and the perseverance all come from deep within.  When you want something so bad, so bad that you live and breathe it, you think about it 24/7 and believe in it with all your heart, nothing can stop you.  You find ways to manage your time, ways to deal with the obstacles, and ways to get by with whatever you have.  You have to want it badly enough to just get started and once you get that momentum going, it's simply a matter of putting that foot forward.  Each step gets easier as it becomes more and more routine.  You have to form good habits because those habits form your lifestyle.

You see, when your mind is set and your spirit is high, it's astonishing how much you can do and how many people you can affect.  The motivation and the love?  Those come from all of YOU.  You are the reason why I do what I do.  You feed me strength and give me more reason to persevere.  Your hope, your inspiration, and your stories all push me to grow so that I can serve you better.  You make me a better person and a better leader.  You give my life such value that I have no choice but to continue.  You give to me so much without even knowing it so I thank you by giving back.

You have to understand that when the heart smiles it's inevitable to shine and to share that light.  I am just one person but I know that I can make a difference in this world.  I can make a difference by helping you help others.  It's a chain reaction of love and goodness that makes life go on and it has to start somewhere. I believe in all of you and your potential just as I believe in my own potential to grow and to be better.

So coming full circle, my answer to all of the above questions is simply this : I believe.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The smallest of beauties are sometimes the greatest.

It's lunch time and as I'm walking to my car I look down for a moment and see this tiny little flower all by itself and I think, hmm, well isn't that pretty!  So I decide to take a picture with my phone in order to share it with you.  Now granted, it may not seem all that special but the beauty is there. So I think to myself, be the pretty flower amongst all that dirt and you'll make everything around you look pretty, too.

Everything has a purpose.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pretty, pretty please?

It's been tough lately.

Bad news about a friend's dad going to the hospital because something doesn't feel right with his heart,  bad news about a co-worker who can't stop vomiting and has just found out that he's got all kinds of ulcers, bad news about another co-worker who won't be released from the hospital any time soon because they found something that now requires surgery, bad news about grandma having a leaking heart valve, bad news about grandpa who is not only fighting cancer but now has something found in his head, bad news about an aunt who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, bad news about a client who has developed type 2 diabetes, bad news that yet another friend's friend just committed suicide...

The list goes on and on and on... and I know I'm not alone because we all are surrounded by this.

See, there are some things we cannot help -- things we are born with, things that are meant to happen to us, things without any explanation whatsoever.  In such cases, it is our duty to be strong, to support and to fight for our loved ones.  It is our duty to be positive and to believe everything will be okay.  It is our duty to deal with the situation as best we can.

But sometimes there are things that we can help.  There are measures we can take to prevent and to avoid illnesses.  There are ways we can learn to strengthen our minds and our bodies.  There are foods we can eat and lifestyles we can change.  There are support groups for just about everything, and if not then start one.  There are solutions and there is hope.

We are all constantly surrounded by bad news and it's what we get out of it that matters.  Every time I hear of someone's hardships with their health, be it mental or physical or even spiritual, I feel for them and I feel for all their loved ones.  It's an endless reminder of how important it is to cherish each other, to not take things for granted, to live and to love every single day.  I'm not saying that all of our problems will go away, but don't make your life any harder than it ought to be.  We value you so now it's time for you to value you, too.

On behalf of your future self, of your children and grandchildren, on behalf of your parents, your cousins, your friends, and your co-workers, I ask you to please, please, please do what it takes to take care of yourself now.  Do what it takes because the pain you can avoid for yourself and for others down the road is worth it.  You may not realize it now or even tomorrow, but realize it before it's too late.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tropical Shakeology!

Oh, how I spoil my body so!
I'm still experimenting, but I want to know what's your fave recipe??

TROPICAL Shakeology + FRESH Pineapple chunks + Water + Ice = YUM!!

 For more information, visit



Friday, March 16, 2012

It's a lot simpler than you think...

Take control of your life by starting with YOU.  Allow your heart to love yourself.  Decide to care for your body by eating right and working out.  MAKE time for ME time.  Release that negative energy and inhale all the positive energy in the world.

You will find that your mind will begin to focus more and that your energy will increase.  You will begin to naturally smile more and love life in all its glory.  Your problems will diminish as you gain the strength to overcome your daily challenges.  Your spirit will shine as you gain balance and knowledge and understanding.

Life is only complicated if you make it so.  Simplify your priorities and begin with the Self.  It's okay to be selfish if it allows you to serve the world better.  Solidify those roots between your mind, your feet and the Universe, and you will find that nothing can shake you.  Your power will come from within, but first, you must BELIEVE.  Believe in your abilities, follow your passions, and chase your dreams.

Anything is possible but it must first begin with YOU.  Plant that seed deep down within and nourish it daily. Your personal growth is limitless!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jump Roping!

This is somewhat embarrassing because I kept messing up but it's well-worth putting myself out there for you all to see.  Why?  Because now you're all holding me accountable to my goal of improving these jump roping skills!  Hopefully in my next video I'll have more balance, control, and rhythm/coordination with the jump rope.

Some moves you can work on with me:
- one legged
- high knees
- switch kicks
- criss-crossing with left
- cross-crossing with right
- going backwards
- cross-crossing backwards
- double jump
- miscellaneous tricks!


Monday, March 12, 2012


So there I was at my desk contemplating my next snack and this is what I had at hand:

I kept hearing a voice say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"  But then I kept thinking what about pears???

This is what I found when doing some research ::
  • Most of the nutrients found in pears are in the skin so for the full benefits it's important to eat the whole fruit.
  • Although apples are the best source of quercetin, which is a flavinoid or antioxidant that helps prevent cancer, pears are a good source, too.
  • They are a good source of potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and antioxidants 
  • Pears contain more fiber than many other fruits, which is ideal for people who suffer from constipation or simply need to be more regular.
  • They can cool you down if it's a really hot day or even if you're suffering of a fever
  • They can reduce your blood cholesterol, which can in turn help prevent type 2 diabetes
  • Regular consumption can also lower the degeneration of vision in older adults
  • They contain boron, which is needed to absorb and retain calcium thus slowing down osteoporosis
  • Studies show they help prevent or reduce the risk of stomach cancer, lung cancer in women, and postmenopausal breast cancer in women
  • Pears are a hypoallergenic fruit so it's a great fruit for allergy sufferers and for small children

No wonder it tasted so good having a cold pear 
while sitting outside enjoying the warm sunshine! 


Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Silent Power Within

In light of Yoga Thursdays, I want to share with you the peace and power within.  We all have immeasurable physical, mental and spiritual strength, it is simply a matter of finding your true self.  Namaste, my friends, I bow to you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Releasing Negative Energy

So here I am enjoying the gorgeous weather, appreciating my Mindful Wednesday, reflecting my amazing day at work... and the next thing I know I'm in a car accident!  Perfect.  I was on my way to the gym to lead my FIT CLUB so I had to suck it up and lead with passion.  The ten of us KILLED Les Mills Pump's COMBAT workout and I was really proud of them!  

Once they all left I decided to take some time to focus on myself.  I ran 10 laps around the edges of this room followed by Insanity's warmup (which is about 10 minutes of nonstop pain).  Still, I needed my dessert so I decided to keep moving...

By the end of this workout, I was all sweaty and smiling.  I successfully released all the negative energy that had accumulated recently.  Then, as I was driving home and admiring the beautiful full moon this fox runs across the street and I laughed thinking it was a wolf at first.  See, that wouldn't have been funny to me had I not sweat all that aggression out! 

For more information click on the following links:

Join THAT GIRL'S FIT CLUB in Ashburn, VA:


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I am a big fan of breakdancing for many reasons.  For one, I believe it is a beautiful art form in which dancers can express themselves.  Two, breakdancing battles are a means of battling other people without there being violence involved.  And three, these dancers have a lot of strength, agility and power that I truly appreciate.

Watch this video of an incredible individual who incorporates yoga moves into his dance.  He's so double-jointed, his flexibility is jaw-dropping.  He also has ridiculous strength and balance.

This is another individual who dances with great strength and creativity.  Simply beautiful!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Fun Day!

A friend once shared his life motto with me and I have since adopted it...  

Hahaha.  I love this!  But no seriously, I don't care if it's Monday, Saturday or Sunday, I'm going to get up and do what I've got to do.  Point blank.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Green Shakes

I think I'm going to start adding some green shakes and juicing into my nutrition plan.  I found this and it has got my mind going!  Anyone interested in experimenting with me?