That Girl from That Team


Monday, August 16, 2010


It's so easy to do, yet so hard to accept.  I never used to like failing, and to this day I still don't always look forward to it.  But it's inevitable, and it will happen to everyone.

It is a must.  Why?  Because if you don't fail, then you don't succeed.

There may have been times when you tried to do something and managed to get it the very first time.  There may have been times when you attempted to do something over and over again, yet never got it, and ended up giving up.  What you don't realize is that with every fail you are a step closer to success.  With each failure you have to take the reasons for which you failed and try to fix them. You have to learn and grow from them.

Consider Thomas Edison.  If he hadn't persevered through his 10,000 failed attempts at making a light bulb, then he wouldn't have invented the light we take so much for granted today.  When asked about it, Edison said that he didn't fail, but rather, he successfully discovered all the ways a light bulb does NOT work.

Bottom line:  The more you fail, the more you will succeed.

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