That Girl from That Team


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let Yourself Feel

This past Monday was a tough day for me emotionally, but today I was completely grateful for all the things I had to smile about.  It wasn't the circumstances that changed.  It was simply my state of mind.

See, over the course of these last two years, I have learned a great number of things.  One of the most important lessons that I hold dear to my heart is that it is okay to feel.  Granted, we all feel with our hands, our feet and even our heart, but tell me when you allowed yourself the freedom to really feel whatever it was that you were feeling.  Was there a part of you that was holding back, limiting the extent of your tears, quieting the burst of your laughter, pressuring you to keep quiet, straining your veins to keep from punching the wall?

Yeah, you're not the only one.  I used to bottle things up as best I could but as we all know, that is never a good plan.  Instead, allow yourself that very moment to release your emotion.  Express yourself freely, whether behind closed doors or with company (just don't do that whole punching thing because more likely than not you'll end up more hurt than before).

Now here's the thing... Once you are done grieving or hurting or feeling whatever it is that has taken over your heart, get up, stand up and move on.  Do not dwell on the past or hate your life because you've just cried.  You've already dealt with it, now focus on the next present moment!

Life is beautiful and as tough as it can get sometimes don't ever forget how much you have to be thankful for.

Being that it's Mindful Wednesday, pay attention to your feelings and the extent to which you hold some of it in.  Be aware of its effect on your mind and body as those unreleased feelings accumulate and begin to weigh you down.  It's not always noticeable but your subconscience will let you know when things get bad.  So before you let out your anger or frustration on the wrong person, give yourself the chance to exhale that negative energy on your own.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An Article on CHIA SEEDS!


After amassing amazing popularity in the 1980's, Chia Pets (the "Pottery that Grows") are creating a buzz once again. But instead of "spreading the seeds and watching them grow," people are now simply snacking on the seeds. Here's how these tiny seeds can do much more than just sprout green "hair" on a terracotta pig.


Remember Chia Pets? How could you forget! You have probably been trying to shake that Chi-chi-chia tune out of your head since the 1980's. In addition to the Chia Pet's unforgettable jingle, its diminutive seeds also have unbelievably healthy attributes. In fact, the tiny seeds contain more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than any other plant source, including flaxseed, and have a whopping amount of protein and fiber to boot.


There are few formal studies on the nutritious perks of chia seeds. But health nuts swear by their nutritional punch, which includes five times the calcium of milk, two times the amount of potassium in bananas, three times the antioxidant strength of blueberries and three times more iron than spinach. Plus, the high antioxidant content of the seeds means they can stored in your pantry for up to five years without going bad—or losing their flavor. The general public is now catching on and able to buy seeds – once available only at health food stores and on little-known websites – at popular venues like the Vitamin Shoppe and, recently, the chia seed was regulated as a food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


The seeds – which resemble sesame seeds and have a slight nutty taste – are versatile and easy to include in your diet. Sprinkle them over your cereal, yogurt or salad, or mix them into flour when whipping up your favorite baked goods.

You can also make a chia "drink" – which seems a lot like a science experiment – but very beneficial for your blood sugar. Mix a spoonful of seeds into a glass of water and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. The extra-soluble fibers in the seed (which absorb about seven times their weight in water) will produce a gel-like substance that can be spooned up like Jell-o. The gel serves as a barrier to slow carbohydrate absorption in the body, in turn naturally balancing blood sugar and giving you extra energy.

For a sweeter sip, use apple or orange juice instead. You can also try a Mexican spin and combine two teaspoons of the seeds with 8 to 10 ounces of water, adding fresh-squeezed lime or lemon juice, for a refreshing glass of Agua Fresca de chia.


Pumpkin-Chia Seed Muffins

Adapted from Mom-A-Licious by Domenica Catelli

These muffins are delicious, easy to make and great for you. Enjoy them hot out of the oven and keep extra for lunchtime snacks for the kids (or you) during the week. Pumpkin is loaded with an important antioxidant, beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is one of the plant carotenoids converted to vitamin A in the body. In the conversion to vitamin A, beta carotene performs many important functions in overall health. Current studies link diets rich in foods with beta-carotene to reducing the risk of certain types of cancer and protection against heart disease. Chia seeds can be found at some health food stores.

1 tablespoons chia seeds, ground (use a coffee or spice grinder)
1 cup whole wheat or whole grain flour
1/2 cup white unbleached flour
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
16 ounces canned organic pumpkin
2 eggs
1/4 cup high-quality extra virgin olive oil
1 cup pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup of chopped walnuts or pecans, optional
Salt and pepper to taste Directions:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients. Fold the wet ingredients (fold in nuts now if you are using them) into the dry ingredients and spoon into paper-lined muffin or greased muffin tins. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle of a muffin comes out clean. Store completely cooled muffins in sealable plastic bags in the freezer.

Sunday, February 26, 2012





Get connected!  Show up to our events and we'll join hands in this fitness journey together!
Simply add me on FACEBOOK and send me a message saying you want to get healthy!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tommy Mygrant

After today's awesome event, I took home a lot of great information.  My favorite part was when Tommy Mygrant shared with us his story of losing over 100 pounds and what led to him waking up and taking charge of his life.  

One thing that Craig Holiday touched upon a couple weeks ago and that Tommy reiterated was that "sometimes you just need to get out of your own way!"

So if you're lazy, if you're king/queen of excuses, if you're all talk and have nothing to show for it... then man up, get out of your way, and do something about it!

Striking a pose with 10-Star Diamond Tommy Mygrant (haha)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dr. Wheeler, Tommy Mygrant and Brett Blake in DC!

Tropical Shakeology has landed and it's more than just a new flavor on the shelf. Tropical Shakeology is the first product to qualify under the new Beachbody Ultimate brand because it has a new formula and it's vegan!

Join us on Saturday, Feb. 25th when Chief Science Off
icer Dr. Wheeler will be coming to the DC Metro area to give an in depth discussion about Shakeology Tropical and all of the benefits that the new formula offers for your health.Dr. Wheeler is also going to speak about Beachbody's upcoming Ultimate Reset cleanse product and how it is so much more than your typical 21 day cleanse.

AND, 10-Star Diamond Tommy Mygrant is joining us to teach about the 5 Step Beachbody Challenge process! Learn from one of the most successful and influential coaches in the community with this rare opportunity!

As if that wasn't enough, Bretty Blake, and SVP and Managing Director of Beachbody will be in town to talk about Beachbody's direction for the 2012 year AND open up the floor for a Q&A session for the coaches. This is a rare opportunity to ask your burning questions directly to Beachbody's corporate staff so make sure you show up and bring your note pads and questions!

Parking is available in a paid parking deck at the University and for the locals, the venue is easily metro accessible, just check out the map for more information! There will be Shakeology tastings (including Tropical!) but no lunch so come fed and prepared with your own snacks. And of course, we will be wrapping up the day with a workout so bring your workout gear!

Register via the link below!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shaun T

On the roughest of days, I turn to Shaun T to kick my ass.  
Why?  Because once it's over and done with I feel sane again.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wake Up Call

Look, whether it be on the inside or the outside, if you're not taking care of your health, nurturing your mind, and striving to grow as a person and a leader, then you're just plain FAT.

You are fat and slow and getting old FAST.  Get up and do something about it!  Find some purpose in your life!  THIS is your wake up call.

Like I always say, it's never too late to start but it's always too late to wait.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Your WHYs

Your WHYs are what push you every single day.  They are the reasons why you do what you do.  They are your motivators when times get tough.  They are the beams of light you see from afar that give you the strength to move forward even when you're at your weakest.  They are the details that create your visions of turning your dreams into your reality.  They are the outlines of your action plan, the blueprints of your life's journey.  They determine whether or not you will be the same person a year from now, whether or not you will live with regret for not getting started sooner or with pride for being more than average.  Your WHYs are as powerful as your dreams are.  They give you reason to not only breathe, but to live your life the way it's supposed to be.

What are Your WHYs?

Being that it's Valentine's Day and all, I am taking the time to love my body and help others love their bodies, too.  THAT GIRL'S FIT CLUB is still in session tonight!  YOU ARE MY WHY.

Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Monday morning . . .

. . . and so what?  Since when does the name of the day control your energy, your attitude, and your happiness?  Mondays come every 7 days, guaranteed.  That's not going to ever change.  So take it as it is and learn to make every day as great as your Fridays.  


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Craig Holiday -- VA Beach 2/11/12

I had the pleasure of seeing Craig Holiday at his best once again!  Listening to this man speak through the phone or some recorded audio is incredible, but nothing compares to feeling his energy live.  As if I wasn't already on fire with my personal growth and Beachbody business, Craig poured a bucket of gasoline on me!

Look how focused we are -- mesmerized by his words of true inspiration.  

You know you're a master when you've got 150 pairs of eyes completely engaged.

Now, while I could simply regurgitate all that I ingested during yesterday's session, I would rather take each lesson and post them as separate entities.  Why?  Because each and every point Craig made was extremely powerful and I want you to fully absorb and appreciate the depth of their significance.

Craigducation -- Lesson #1

Manage your calendar.  We all say that we're going to do this and do that but what it all boils down to are a bunch of excuses that get us nowhere in life.

If you have plans, goals, and dreams then don't keep saying you'll get to them someday.  Someday.  What does that even mean?  Look at your planner and read the days out loud with me.  "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday..."  So what is someday?  Someday is today.  Say it with me, "SOMEDAY IS TODAY."

Wipe the dust off your planner and use it for what it is.  PLAN your next move.  Don't wait a year from now just to say, "I wish I started that day..."  Eliminate guilt and regret by being where you are and living in the moment.  Learn from your past and make the most out of your present in order to better your future.

Someday does not exist.
Someday is TODAY.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Live the Life You Dream Of

You can do ANYTHING you desire, 
     If you BELIEVE with ALL your heart that it is possible.
You can do ANYTHING you desire, 
     If only you take the time to write down an ACTION PLAN.
You can do ANYTHING you desire, 
     If you FOLLOW THROUGH with those action steps EVERY SINGLE DAY 
     until you get to where you want to be.

You can do ANYTHING you desire.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Motivation At Its Best

I assigned my challenge group a little research to find a picture that best reflects what they want their bodies to look like and to share it with the group.  I then told them to print the picture out and write underneath it loud and clear, "THIS IS MY BODY.  THIS IS WHAT I LOOK LIKE."  They're final task was to hang the picture up somewhere on a wall in their bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or office where they can see it on a daily basis for constant motivation.

The following is my picture.  I want V-cut abs and a nice firm butt, and trust me, I'm going to make it happen!

Monday, February 6, 2012

"Always Forward" - Coach Chris

Always look ahead at your destination and never stop moving towards it.
The minute you decide to look back is the minute you'll lose yourself and crash.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

January Has Passed...

. . . and what have you got to show for it?  Did you keep to your goals and new year's resolutions?

If you've already fallen off track or have yet to even begin, consider coming out to this FREE FIT CLUB to get things started right for you.

It's never too late to start, but it's always too late to wait!

So what are you waiting for?

Click HERE to join my group on Facebook for more details.  Hope to see you out there!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Your Choice.

It may be Friday but your dreams and goals are still there.  
The last thing you want to do is throw away a hard week's worth of effort 
for a day or two of ridiculousness that will have you moving backwards.  
Work hard now and EARN your playtime later.    


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pulling Together

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.  The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives.  It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.  
                                                - Successories Lithograph

It's amazing how much we can learn from Nature if only we open our eyes!  Here is a short movie about geese and what a difference it makes when they pull together.  CLICK HERE FOR MOVIE.

Honestly, my heart feels warm after watching this knowing that I am working with a team to make great things happen.  Not only am I referring to THAT TEAM but I am referring to all of TEAM BEACHBODY.  We are on a mission to save lives and you better believe we're making it happen.  One day at a time.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Marie is genius.  Keep it simple and just mark your water bottle.
Cross off each number as you refill it.  BAM.
