That Girl from That Team


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Throwback Thursday

I have been having quite a few flashbacks of the most random events with THAT TEAM.  We are a family of friends who can't help but laugh, love, and laugh some more.  Cheers to good times with great people with the biggest hearts I know.  I love you guys!

September 2011 -- This video was taken during one of our outdoor group workouts.  We followed the workout with a bunch of fun games, such as this one called Ninja Assassin, in which everyone stands in a circle and each person makes a single move to try and touch (and essentially kill) the person beside you.  Our circle of about 20 people quickly died down to these last 5 warriors.  Well done, you guys!  =))

HAHAHA.  The video is hilarious but the giggles themselves are hysterical!

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