That Girl from That Team


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

TRICK OR TREAT.  What are you doing this year to celebrate Halloween?  'Tis the week, if not month, to go crazy with all the candies that have gone on sale!  Right??  WRONG.  Don't waste all the hard efforts of eating cleanly for months on a mere week of sugar highs.  A couple pieces here and there is fine, but don't go on a binge.  It's definitely not worth it. 

Googley Candy Corns
It's just the beginning of our holiday season so in a couple weeks it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New Year's and then Valentine's Day and then Chinese New year!  I could go on and on, but we all know what happens once fall and winter begin to merge.  We get caught up in all of the holiday spirit and sometimes we end up losing ourselves.  Try to avoid the domino effect by staying on top of your game and keeping track of everything you eat, one day at a time.  The last thing you want to do is have a ton of superficially sweetened fun and end up feeling like a mummy the next day...

Mummy Dogs

Be smart and get your sweat on consistently.  Treat yourself when you feel you've earned it.  And if you still don't have a costume planned for tonight then think of the scariest version of yourself and AVOID LOOKING LIKE THAT two months from now.

From my Zombie Pirate Chihuahua to You,
Have a Happy and Healthy Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Get Up, Get Moving

I don't know where you work or what you do, but what I do know is that you need to get up and get moving!  Yes, right now!  It's nearly lunch time and you deserve some good ol' blood circulation.  In yesterday's post I mentioned that it was a good way to wake yourself up (both mentally and physically), so here we go!

Stand up, bob your head, raise your arms, stomp your feet, shake your behind, and turn yourself a couple of times!  Get into it!  Just make sure your boss isn't watching (haha).

This is one of my fave songs to work to because it gets me pumped, keeps me alert and motivates me to keep moving!  Of course, by 'moving' I mean moving forward with my work and not so much dancing (although bobbing my head is acceptable).

The track may be 7 minutes long but it acts as a trigger that is mentally stimulating enough to keep you up and running at a good pace for hours to come.  So stand up and get shakin' like nobody's watching!  Except maybe the funny lizard.  He's staring at you hardcore.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Morning Yawns

Do you ever feel like you're stuck at work and
you can't shake off the morning yawns??

Pic of my dog, Moki, in Dec 2009.  He feels for you.

Well, I will be the first to admit that I am not at all a morning person.  However, I've found a few ways to manage throughout my most tiring days.  

1)  Drink a glass of water.  Fatigue can be a sigh of dehydration, so whether you chug a cold glass here and there or you sip gradually throughout the day, water will keep your body hydrated and your mind focused.

2)  Eat some cold fresh fruit.  They are easy to digest so they serve as quick fuel.  The citrus also gives you energy, so try drinking a glass of orange juice or eating an apple.  Munching on something like grapes can work as well.

3)  Get up and walk around.  Raise your heart rate and get your blood flowing, even if it means walking up and down the stairs for a few minutes.  This will put your body in exercise-mode and will definitely activate your mind and body.

4)  Go outside and take a quick breather.  Fresh air and some mindful breathing exercises can calm your nerves but also wake up the brain.  Once you come back in, you'll feel refreshed and more able to focus.

5)  Try to stay optimistic and focus on the positives.
 Negativity is energy draining and will leave you more tired and cranky than necessary.

6)  Avoid caffeine and excess sugars because they usually lead to crashing.  Point blank.

7)  Eat a healthy snack that has good protein.  Yogurt and eggs are excellent sources and they also contain tyrosine, which helps your brain produce more dopamine and norepinephrine to keep you motivated and energetic.

8)  Get better quality sleep the night before!  If that means going to bed earlier or cutting out the caffeine/alcohol or working out a couple hours before bedtime, just do it.  Good sleep will lead to more refreshed mornings.

Friday, October 21, 2011



Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stressed Much?

Whether it's because of your kids, the rain, your boss or a fight with your significant other, I think everyone should take 8 minutes out of their day to calm themselves from their daily stresses.  No matter who you are, you deserve it.

No one said that the mere act of relaxing oneself had to cost an arm and a leg for some massages and spa treatments (although those are nice every now and then).  There are several ways of lowering your blood pressure naturally and this has been clinically proven to be the most effective relaxing song.

Listen to this track during your lunch hour, when you come home from work or even right before bed.  Close your eyes and begin to release all the tension you've gradually built up. Ease the wrinkles on your forehead, loosen up your tight shoulders, and take a few deep meaningful breaths.

The above video parallels the spiritual effects that this composite song has on one's mind, body and soul with the wondrous effects of freediving.  It's a matter of being alone yet not lonely, of freeing yourself from all that surrounds you and simply being One with the universe. Although this video is less than 5 minutes long, you start to get the idea of what yoga and meditation and the like can do for your mental health.  If interested, below is the full 8-min track.

Namaste, my friends.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happiness Comes From Happy Thoughts

"The happiest people in life don't have the best in everything

They make the best of everything they have."

Make it a habit to think of at least one thing that made you smile today
before going to sleep and see if that affects your dreams and mood in the morning.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Back to Basics

Sometimes the big picture is a little too big to handle.  

16 oz T-Bone, courtesy of Google pics

Like a 16 oz steak (God forbid you eat that big boy on the daily) it is important to break things down into smaller more digestible pieces.  Such as with any desired goal, it is important to consider the baby steps that will lead you towards accomplishing your dreams.  You can think and wish all you want, but nothing is going to happen until you take action.  Action -->  Results.

So you want to lose weight?  You want to get toned?  You want to fit your favorite dress or your favorite pair of jeans again?  Well, good for you!  But the question is how and when and where you want to start.

First thing's first.  Write down specific goals for yourself so that you know which direction you're going.

Now, what actions are you going to take towards enhancing your nutrition plan?  What actions are you going to take to make your lifestyle more active?

You need to understand that it's not about how much you weigh, it's about how much body fat you have.  It's not about how you look to other people but rather how you feel when you look in the mirror.  It's not just about how much you eat (although portion control is important) but moreso what you eat.

Google Image : 1 lb of fat
Dude. Gross.

1 pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories.  This means that if you want to lose 1 pound a week, you're going to have to cut down your daily caloric intake by 500 calories.  That doesn't mean you have to starve yourself, it just means you need to be smart about the types of foods you eat.  You can actually eat more if you choose wisely, and foods with higher nutritional value at that!

For example, compare the following foods ::

2 whole fried eggs = 150-200 calories
2 egg white scramble = 35-50 calories

Egg yolks are high in fat and cholesterol, whereas the white of an egg is low in calories and high in protein.

2 regular oreo cookies =  105-130 calories
1 medium sized gala apple = 100-120 calories

Fruits have lots of vitamins and the natural sugars can satisfy one's sweet tooth cravings.  Plus 2 oreo cookies wouldn't be enough for anyone.

1 string cheese = 70-80 calories
10 raw almonds = 70 calories

Cheese is good in moderation but if you're going to go for a healthier snack then I would suggest eating raw nuts.  They have a lot of good protein and they're quite filling.  A handful of almonds will hold your stomach for a good 30-60 minutes easily.

1 fried chicken drumstick = 350 calories
1 roasted chicken drumstick (without skin) = 180 calories

Well, this is pretty obvious.  Simply try to avoid fried foods in general.

1 can of Coca Cola = 140 calories
1 glass of water = 0 calories

Drink all water all day everyday and you'll be doing yourself a favor inside and out.  If you need bubbles then drink soda water and add some lemon for a citrus kick.

Although the calories I stated are a mere approximation, you get the idea of what is more filling and has more nutritional value for its proper serving size.  With each healthier choice you make you get that much closer to reaching your health goals.  Likewise, with each "cheat" you allow yourself, the further away those goals will seem.  If you can replace all of the above in one day then that would save you about 500 calories right there!  BAM!  Take these steps and you'll surely meet your goals in due time.

Be mindful of all that you eat and drink... imjustsayin! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just smile

Photo Credit goes to Steve Fabry

Sometimes the key to being happy is to just smile.
Once you smile, good things will naturally follow. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday's Food For Thought

Happy Monday, Everyone!

Joe Lopresto is an incredible Beachbody coach from upstate and he shared this with everyone on Facebook.  I felt it was valuable enough to re-share it with you as this week's food for thought.