That Girl from That Team


Thursday, July 28, 2011

My New Mantra

We are forever working on ourselves and that's just the way that life goes.  We aren't born perfect but we can always improve, we can always grow, we can always reach for better.  That is why it is so important to focus on personal development.  

I've set my mind to achieving a higher level of enlightenment, hence my new mantra ::

Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...
Personal Development...

Drink water, stay Fresh. =))

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Let's Go Biking!!!

My mom and I have been working on our garage this past week because there is just so much junk everywhere. We got rid of a fair amount of stuff that other people can use so that makes me feel really good.

One of the things I came across that has been left unnoticed for YEARS is my bike.  Well, it's my bike now (haha).  It was covered in webs and the tires were ridiculously flat but I got the sudden urge to take it for a ride.

My Baby

This morning I decided that today was the perfect day to give that bike some life again since it was looking so sad.  I forgot about the tires so I frantically looked everywhere for a tire pump.  Thank goodness we had one still!  I also had to look for a screwdriver to adjust the seat and whatnot, but I made it work and was finally ready to GO!

Oh snap!  P90X!  Represent ;))

I didn't even care where I was going, I was just really excited to ride.  The path out of my neighborhood led me to sidewalks and then up to where my dad works (only a few miles away).  It was cute but it was no bike trail!  Tomorrow, I plan on taking this bad boy much further than today.  Woohoo, biking is back in for me!!

Can you tell I was having a lot of fun??

You know, there are times when we all lack motivation to workout.  What we have to do is find something that is FUN and that we are PASSIONATE about.  It can be dance, cross-country, or rock climbing!  Either way, find something that gets you sweating and JUST DO IT.  I think I've found my latest pleasure  =))

'Til next time, folks!  Have a good one!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


You'd be surprised at how much good can come from just tweaking your mentality.

Monday, July 11, 2011

You're Gonna Make It

No one said life was easy, but it gets unnecessarily harder when you put yourself in tough situations.  I have to remind myself that some things are just not worth the trouble or the tears or the fighting.  I'm still learning to sort my trials, sort my friends (or "friends" rather), sort my Self...  But I am learning and I will not give up.

There are times when we do things that we regret.  There are times when we do things we wish we could take back.  There are things that happen to us that we just have to learn to accept.  There are things that bring us down and there are things that bring us up.  All of these things can make us or break us and it is up to us to decide how to react.

Everyone falls.  Some fall harder than others.  But it's how you stand up again and again that makes the world of difference.  What's important is that despite all the hardships in the world and despite all the problems we may have we can never give up.  We have to keep striving to be better.  And despite the stupid choices we make at times it is never too late to change.  It is never too late to grow.  It is never too late to learn and learn some more.

Keep your life simple, focus on your priorities, love, laugh, and speak truth always.  

Friday, July 8, 2011

5 Foods that Keep You Thin

I saw this article about what five foods keep you thin and thought it would be something great to share with all of you!

The 5 foods that keep you thin

1. Apples
-- good source of fiber, boosts satiety levels making you feel full
2. Almonds -- good source of protein and fiber, low calories, boosts satiety levels
3. Salmon -- good source of protein and omega-3, relatively low in calories, boosts satiety levels
4. Eggs -- good source of protein and fiber, makes you feel full all day if you have protein for breakfast
5. Tomatoes -- good source of fiber, tasty, low in calories

As you can see, foods that are high in protein and/or high in fiber seem to help keep you healthy and feeling full!  So incorporate these into your nutrition plan and it should help you lose/maintain your weight meanwhile feeding your body some essentials. =))

Check out the whole article HERE !

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is a film about Joe Cross, an Australian man, who was fat and sick and needed a serious change.  At 310 pounds he was depending on all sorts of medication for years just to get by, so he came up with the idea of fasting for 60 days.  This movie documents his progress as he travels throughout the US talking to people about their nutrition and experiences with fasting meanwhile sharing his personal mission to get healthier.

It is sad to see how many people during the interviews were reluctant to the idea of change. A great deal of people said something along the lines of, "If it's my time to go then so be it, God will decide that, but until then I'm going to live and eat whatever I like."  It hurts to know that people couldn't care less about their future and the consequences of their actions of today.

After 60 days of drinking juice made with tons of fruits and vegetables, the Australian has his first solid meal in a hot air balloon 2000 feet above the earth.  And guess what, it is a green apple.  HA!  Love it.

One of the people Joe manages to touch is a truck driver named Phil.  Coincidentally, they both have the same exact medical issues called Urticarial Vasculitis, a rare autoimmune disease.  Joe offers Phil help and he desperately accepts it knowing very well that if he does not make drastic changes in his life he will end up suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, a worse case of sleep apnea and possible heart failure.

With Joe's help, Phil ended up going from 429 lbs to 227 lbs 10 months later.  That's a total weight loss of 202 lbs!  Phil is now committed to inspiring people everywhere to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets, including his own brother who suffered of a heart attack.  Since the making of this film, Joe and Phil have inspired thousands of people to Reboot their lives (Reboot : to detox by fasting and juicing fruits and vegetables).

I highly recommend this movie!  Watch the trailer below!

Some key points I got from the movie

1.  Statistics of what the average American eats:  About 60% processed foods, 30% animal products, 5% whole grains and white potatoes, and just 5% of fruits and vegetables.

2.  Fruits and vegetables are the most enriched with micronutrients and macronutrients, which are required in relatively large amounts by living organisms for proper growth and development.  Without such nutrients in our bodies, we are weakened which makes us susceptible to diabetes, strokes and autoimmune diseases.

3.  The Foods Highest in Nutrients per Calorie:
     - Green Vegetables
     - All Raw Vegetables
     - Beans / Legumes
     - Eggplant, Mushrooms
     - Tomatoes, Peppers
     - Fresh Fruit

4.  "You can't escape from the biological laws of cause and effect.  What happens to you is the same thing that is going to happen to every other American."  This is a crucial quote from one of the doctors Joe spoke to.  Why?  Because everyone wants to think that they are an exception, that they won't suffer the things other people are suffering.  Truth is, you are what you eat and if you decide to eat junk foods, fast foods, and processed foods all the time then your body is doomed for destruction.

5.  "70% of the diseases that affect us now are caused by our life choices: how we exercise, if we smoke, what we eat -- our saturated fats, carbohydrates, salt and alcohol.  Now can you have some of it?  Sure.  But most people have too much of it."

6.  Results from those who have tried this fruit and veggie juice fast:  increased energy, healthier skin, better sleep, weight loss, less rash/hives breakouts, less temptations to eat fast food, no more migraines, no more medication, better moods, better focus, inspiration to help others

7.  Phil's "Mean Green Juice" which I definitely plan on trying sometime, along with these other recipies:
     - 1 bunch of kale
     - 4 stalks of celery
     - 1 cucumber
     - 2 granny smith apples
     - 1/2 a lemon
     - ginger root

8.  "Permanent results only come from permanent changes in your life."  That doesn't mean you have to juice for the rest of your life, it simply means making healthy changes in your lifestyle.

9.  By changing your ways you can really inspire others to change too.  And when you do the simple act of helping just one other person, they feel the need to help someone else too.  It's a chain reaction that starts with you so make it a positive one and you will eventually make a positive difference in the world!  As is the case in this film, Joe started off with a sickness and decided to make some positive changes in his life to get himself out of his situation.  He then shared his knowledge and experience with others which in turn inspired some people to change themselves.  Then, they continued to inspire others, and so on... As Joe says in the film, "the best way to change the world is to change yourself."

10.  As is the case with all health and wellness programs, it is important to consult a physician before starting anything, including a Reboot.  

Cheers to happy and healthy living!  

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Got You

When I was a senior in high school, we each got to design our own page for the yearbook.  One of the things I wrote on my page was "Friends like Family, Family like Friends."  It's one of my life mottoes and it basically sums up how I consider the people in my life.

We all go through our ups and downs with our closest friends and family.  It's inevitable.  There will be fights, there will be tears, but there will also be warm hugs and kisses.  At the end of the day, despite any and all drama, we know we truly love each other.  What matters is how we are able to move past our differences and only to grow closer and closer.

This is how I feel about That Team.  They are like family to me and I can't imagine my life without them by my side.

Thank you for all that you've done for me, all that you've dealt with, all that you've looked past, and all the endless love, support and encouragement you give me.  Your energies keep me going and I truly do appreciate each and every one of you.

I got you. <3

Find that special group of friends and make them your family.  
We all need love and we all need to love each other.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Aim High

"I'd rather you shoot for the moon and miss 
than shoot for a puddle and make it."

That is one of the many quotes I took home with me from Summit.  I believe it was Craig Holiday who said it and it really stuck.  So here I am aiming HIGH!  Even if I don't reach it, I will  k e e p  o n  r e a c h i n g ! !  My potential is limitless and I refuse to settle.  And you my friend, deserve to aim as high as the sky as well!

I'll tell you right now that I am absolutely terrified of heights.  They say that the only way to get over your fears is to simply face them, but I have faced my fear of heights many times throughout my life and it still blatantly exists!  It's okay though because I believe that if I keep on facing this fear then over time it won't scare me as much.  It will take time but it is not an impossibility.

It was also my first time climbing a rope so I was shaking more than Vietnamese Shaky Beef!!  [[ Haha, sorry that was really funny to me.]]  Point is, I did it.  I reached the blue mark at the top because I didn't give up.  It also really helped that my teammates were there rooting me on.  At one point I think they believed in me more than I believed in myself, and as soon as I caught myself thinking that way I was quick to change.  My hands have never held on to anything so tightly before and my arms and back were completely exhausted afterward.  But you know what?  It was totally worth it.

Aim high and just keep on moving!  And when you feel like settling or even falling, lean on someone who will push you upward and forward!  I believe in you!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Food Addictions

I'm not going to lie, I have many cravings and a few particular addictions when it comes to foods.  If you know me at all then this will be of no surprise to you :


If my family had to choose which ONE carb they would want to eat for the rest of their life, then I know for a fact that my dad would choose noodles and my mom would choose rice.  Me?  I would choose bread.  I'm obsessed!!  And of all the breads in the world I am particularly fond of French bread.  No, it's not because I'm part French haha.  I think it has a lot to do with its texture that is nice and crunchy on the outside and warm and soft on the inside.  Oh, and croissants come second.  Hmm, maybe I'm more French than I thought haha!


Cheese.  My favorite word.  My favorite snack.  My favorite condiment.  My favorite emotion.  My favorite type of joke.  My favorite type of movie.  All kinds and every kind.  I think that Brie cheese has been my top choice for as long as I can remember and Muenster is my favorite cheese for sandwiches.  No matter the smell or color or texture though, I am always down to try new cheeses.  Mhmmmm I'm so cheesy <3  And fine, I admit it.  I'm not even Asian anymore.


Everyone knows that I love, love, LOVE meat.  In fact I am probably one of the biggest meat lovers you will ever meet!  [[ Meat! Meet! Haha, I crack myself up! ]] Anyways, steak has been my favorite food since the 4th grade, hands down.  But it seems that for the past two years my addiction to meat has expanded much further than steak and ribs.  I seriously think I love bacon more than my dog does... is that bad??   


Maybe it's a girl thing?  I don't know.  A lot of guys love chocolate too, but they may not "need" it the same way we do.  Chocolate is my hero.  There isn't all that much more to say.  Except my order goes like this:  white chocolate (only in small dosages though), dark chocolate with nuts, Nutella, plain dark chocolate, Chocolate Shakeology, milk chocolate with nuts/caramel/fluff (basically all those terrible chocolate candies that sell everywhere), plain milk chocolate.  Yeah, I think about chocolate too much.  I know.


Especially the green ones.  Especially the crunchy ones.  Especially the ones that taste awesome raw.  One of my many nicknames is "Rabbit" for a good reason!  I don't know what my parents did right but I absolutely love all fruits and vegetables.  I seldom encounter others who will order "extra [enter veggie here]" anywhere and everywhere they go.  But I'm a different story.  Even if I go to a bar and drink water or cranberry juice, I'll order a plate of celery and carrots (or two, or three) to go with it.  I'm ridiculous, I know.  I'd say my order of favorites goes something like this: mushrooms (all kinds), avocado (wait, that counts more as a fruit doesn't it?), onion, artichoke, asparagus, broccoli (cooked please), spinach, squash, tomatoes (another fruit, yes?), celery, carrots... and, I think I'll stop there for your sake.  The bottom line is that I'm in love with all that Mother Nature has provided us.  I really am.

I love how my Top 3 list turned into my Top 5 haha.  As you can see, I have no problem with eating.  A lot.  Of everything.  Now, as you know moderation is key.  I enjoy all of these foods in decent amounts and try my best not to go overboard with any of them (except maybe the extra serving of veggies).

I am putting myself out there because I know my weaknesses for these foods but they don't make me weak.  Why?  Because it is all about self-control.  It is about enjoying life and enjoying it in the best way possible.  I am human, very very human.  I am also very much a girl during my "time" and I am not ashamed to admit that I give in a little more to my cravings during that time.

Still, I know that as good as foods taste, being fit feels way better.  
Be smart with your choices, sweat once a day and indulge in your favorite foods in small dosages.  CHEERS!

Note :: All of the above pictures were Googled.  [[Just like Chalene Johnson suggested I do for everything.]]

Friday, July 1, 2011

Family is Always Hardest

I know for a fact that this has happened to some of you and I know that it just takes time and patience, but right now I am so frustrated that I feel the need to express myself.

My parents know that I have been a health and fitness coach for over a year and that I am all gung-ho about helping others get fitter and healthier.  They also know that I love Shakeology and I was so proud of my mom for drinking it for the few months that she did.  [[ Why she stopped I do not know, especially considering the fact that she admitted it made her feel stronger, more energetic and more alert.]]  What is even worse than her stopping though is coming home to see 6 different containers of supplements sitting on the kitchen counter.   The idea of her taking multiple pills a day to feed her body with just 1/3rd (if even) of the nutrition ONE serving of Shakeology could provide her truly boggles my mind.  She claims that it is cheaper and that the pills are for both she and my dad, but frankly, her reasoning does not make much sense.  It may be cheaper because there is less nutrition value but with two people going through those bottles on a daily basis, I don't know how long they will last before needing a costly refill.  My dad has also just left town and won't be back for two weeks and he didn't take any of the vitamins with him.  As for my mom, she has yet to take a single pill since they were bought over a week ago.  I am so very disappointed.

As if I were an architect, an engineer or even a pharmacist for that matter, it seems my parents regard me as their child and nothing more.  I know this is not the right way of thinking though so I will try and stay positive.  Still, it really hurts to know that my own mother enjoyed a product that I truly believe in and am absolutely passionate about only to turn her back on not just Shakeology, but on her own daughter as well. 

You know, there will always be times when you run into people who request your help or advice and then do nothing with it.  It is definitely hard to put effort and care into people without being appreciated, but really, when that day comes when they realize everything you told them is truth and honesty and necessary, THAT is when they will really appreciate you for always being there for them.

Never give up.  Just know that it is not their time to change yet.  When they are ready, you will surely know.  And if they are making changes but ones that you don't really agree with (such is the case with my parents and their 6 supplement pills), then let them try it to see if it works for them.  If it doesn't do any good after a while, then lend them another hand.  There are ways, but there are even BETTER ways.

Our job as coaches is to educate the public, friends and family included.  And yes, it takes time and a lot of patience.