That Girl from That Team


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Aim High

"I'd rather you shoot for the moon and miss 
than shoot for a puddle and make it."

That is one of the many quotes I took home with me from Summit.  I believe it was Craig Holiday who said it and it really stuck.  So here I am aiming HIGH!  Even if I don't reach it, I will  k e e p  o n  r e a c h i n g ! !  My potential is limitless and I refuse to settle.  And you my friend, deserve to aim as high as the sky as well!

I'll tell you right now that I am absolutely terrified of heights.  They say that the only way to get over your fears is to simply face them, but I have faced my fear of heights many times throughout my life and it still blatantly exists!  It's okay though because I believe that if I keep on facing this fear then over time it won't scare me as much.  It will take time but it is not an impossibility.

It was also my first time climbing a rope so I was shaking more than Vietnamese Shaky Beef!!  [[ Haha, sorry that was really funny to me.]]  Point is, I did it.  I reached the blue mark at the top because I didn't give up.  It also really helped that my teammates were there rooting me on.  At one point I think they believed in me more than I believed in myself, and as soon as I caught myself thinking that way I was quick to change.  My hands have never held on to anything so tightly before and my arms and back were completely exhausted afterward.  But you know what?  It was totally worth it.

Aim high and just keep on moving!  And when you feel like settling or even falling, lean on someone who will push you upward and forward!  I believe in you!

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